Thanks for a great product.

I have to tell you how pleased I was with this years birds after incorporating just one of your wet brooders into my program.  I’m almost embarrassed to tell you that I never even hooked up a water supply line but just changed out the water every day or two with buckets.  Despite this fact, the ducklings did fantastic.  They went to feed faster, quickly waterproofed themselves and had much better vigor than I previously observed in my dry brooded birds.  

When I hook the brooders up appropriately next year, I’m sure the results will be even better. I would strongly encourage anyone who is raising waterfowl to look into obtaining one or more of your wet brooders for their programs.  Even if they limit the use to only the more difficult species to get started, I know the end results will be healthier ducklings with fewer losses.  

Thanks for a great product.